
Tuesday, February 11, 2014

The future of the internet

        In Todays world of ready reckoners, the profit has become crack of ones continual vocabulary. The internet is everywhere, in the news, the newspaper, magazines, and entire books ar indite on it regularly. Its outgrowth straddle is incredible, increasing by near 10% every month (Dunkin 180). This rapid growth rate could either help the system or destroy it.         The possibilities are immortal on what can be done on the internet. muckle can tap into libraries, tap into weather satellites, download computer programs, talk to other wad with related interests, and enrapture electronic mail all across the world (Elmer-Dewitt 62). It is use by thousands of antithetical kinds of people and organizations, like the military, businesses, colleges and universities, and common people with no specific purpose to even use it (Dunkin 180). Phillip Elmer-Dewitt declared it perfectly, It is a place for everyone.         The rapi d growth of the internet has many an(prenominal) irresponsible aspects to it. The new technology that is developing with this rapid growth bequeath help keep computers up to date with what is creation create on the internet. With these technological advances, systems volition be faster, more than(prenominal) powerful, and candid of doing more complicated tasks. As more people with different interests, thoughts, and ideas get involved with the internet, there will be more information available (Elmer-Dewitt 64). As the number of internet users increases, the prices will gradually decrease on internet software and organizations (Peterson 358). The exceed out quality about the size of the internet is it is so outstanding that it cannot be destroyed (Elmer-Dewitt 62).         There are many problems with the unceasing growth of the internet. Its largest weakness is that it is not owned or controlled by anyone (Elmer-Dewitt 63). There is no base plan for the forthcoming of the internet (Dunki! n 180). As it grows in... I like how accurate your citings were. I enjoyed how Philip Elmer Dewitt compared the internet to an amusment park...that was inventive!! If you want to get a estimable essay, order it on our website: OrderEssay.net

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